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Custom G-code Commands Table

Standard Marlin compatible G-codes can be found at the RepRap wiki: G-code.
Not all standard G-code are supported by the MP Select Mini.

See Sending G-code for more information on how to send the commands below.

Command Description
M550 Get/Set SSID
M551 Get/Set Password
M552 Get/Set IP address
M553 Get/Set Netmask
M554 Get/Set Gateway
M555 Network control
M555 P1 Reset WiFi interface (reboots WiFi module)
M556 (maybe M556 P1) Network status
M557 Get MacAddress
M560 Update firmware using update.bin in microSD card
M561 Change thermistor type (Hotend and/or Heat bed)
M562 Invert stepper motor direction
M563 Enable faster WiFi file uploads*
M564 Download gcode from remote server
M565 Print cached file cache.gc
M566 Rename cache.gc
M600 Pause/Resume

*Some of the above commands may not work with firmware versions 22.39 & older.
They have been implemented in 26.42 & higher.
M561 B - Change Heat bed thermistor type is included in Motion firmware V27 & higher.

Example Uses

See Sending G-code for more information on how to send the commands below.

M550 & M551 - Connect to WiFi

M550 SSID         ;SSID = Name of WiFi network (case sensitive)
M551 PASSWORD     ;PASSWORD = Password for WiFi network (case sensitive)

M561 - Change Thermistor Type

Thermistor information and replacement options can be found here.
Type P0 = Default or EPCOS 100K
Type P1 = 104GT-2 or 104NT-4-R025H42G (may report as 104GT)
Motion Controller firmware version 26 must be installed to change the hotend thermistor type.
Motion Controller firmware version 27 must be installed to change the bed thermistor type.

M561 - Change Hotend Thermistor Type


; G-Code generated by Matthew Upp
; Change thermistor type to Default or EPCOS 100K and saves to EEPROM
; Please add a blank line to the end of the file while editing. DokuWiki Code Blocks deletes blank lines at the end of the block but g-code files should end with a single blank line at the end.
M561 P0 ; Change to Default or EPCOS 100K
M500 ; Save to EEPROM
; Reboot the printer to complete the process


; G-Code generated by Matthew Upp
; Change thermistor type to 104GT-2 or 104NT-4-R025H42G (may report as 104GT) and saves to EEPROM
; Please add a blank line to the end of the file while editing. DokuWiki Code Blocks deletes blank lines at the end of the block but g-code files should end with a single blank line at the end.
M561 P1 ;Change to 104GT-2 or 104NT-4-R025H42G (may report as 104GT)
M500 ; Save to EEPROM
; Reboot the printer to complete the process

M561 B - Change Heat Bed Thermistor Type

M561 B P0       ;Change to Default or EPCOS 100K
M500            ;Save EEPROM
Reboot printer to complete the process
M561 B P1       ;Change to 104GT-2 or 104NT-4-R025H42G (may report as 104GT)
M500            ;Save EEPROM
Reboot printer to complete the process

Type P0 = Default or EPCOS 100K

EPCOS 100K Thermistors B57540G0104F000, B57560G104F, and B57560G1104F have similar Beta values compared to the stocks Beta value of 3950. Because of this you can use any of them as replacement thermistors. Use the stock thermistor setting of Type P0.

Type P1 = 104GT-2 or 104NT-4-R025H42G

Characteristics of 104GT-2 and 104NT-4-R025H42G are nearly identical. Type P1 is used for either thermistor.

M562 - Invert Stepper Motor Direction

M562 - Invert Stepper Motor Direction

M562 E          ;Inverts Extruder motor direction
M562 X          ;Inverts X-Axis motor direction
M562 Y          ;Inverts Y-Axis motor direction
M562 Z          ;Inverts Z-Axis motor direction
M500            ;Saves changes to EEPROM
Reboot printer to complete the process

M562 X

; G-Code generated by Matthew Upp
; Invert X-Axis 
; for Malyan M200 & MP Select Mini
; Lines with only a semicolon are for making line separations only
; Please add a blank line to the end of the file while editing. DokuWiki Code Blocks deletes blank lines at the end of the block but g-code files should end with a single blank line at the end.
M107 ; turn fan off in case it was already on
M106 S245 ; turn fan on to signify start
M562 X ; invert X-Axis
M500 ; save currently loaded settings to EEPROM
G28 X ; home X to verify the X-axis is inverted
G1 X60 F1000 ; Move X-Axis to center of the bed to signify completion
M400 ; Wait for current moves to finish
M107 ; turn fan off to signify completion
M84 ; disable motors

M562 Y

; G-Code generated by Matthew Upp
; Invert Y-Axis 
; for Malyan M200 & MP Select Mini
; Lines with only a semicolon are for making line separations only
; Please add a blank line to the end of the file while editing. DokuWiki Code Blocks deletes blank lines at the end of the block but g-code files should end with a single blank line at the end.
M107 ; turn fan off in case it was already on
M106 S245 ; turn fan on to signify start
M562 Y ; Invert Y-Axis
M500 ; Save currently loaded settings to EEPROM
G28 Y ; home Y to verify the Y-axis is inverted
G1 Y60 F1000 ; Move Y-Axis to center of the bed to signify completion
M400 ; Wait for current moves to finish
M107 ; turn fan off to signify completion
M84 ; disable motors

M562 Z

; G-Code generated by Matthew Upp
; Invert Z-Axis
; Possibly helpful if you need to invert the Z-axis after switching to a NEMA 17 motor and lead screw
; for Malyan M200 & MP Select Mini
; Lines with only a semicolon are for making line separations only
; Please add a blank line to the end of the file while editing. DokuWiki Code Blocks deletes blank lines at the end of the block but g-code files should end with a single blank line at the end.
M107 ; turn fan off in case it was already on
M106 S245 ; turn fan on to signify start
M562 Z ; Invert Z-Axis
M500 ; Save currently loaded settings to EEPROM
G28 Z ; home Z to verify the Z-axis is inverted
G1 Z10 F1000 ; Move Z-Axis up 10mm to signify completion
M400 ; Wait for current moves to finish
M107 ; turn fan off to signify completion
M84 ; disable motors

M563 - Enable Faster WiFi File Uploads

M563 S6         ;S value can be 2-6

*M563 S6 is currently broken with V2 firmware. Try:

M563 S5


M563 S4

Web Browser Address Bar

http://PRINTERS_IP_ADDRESS/set?code=M563 S6 S6

Or S4

This setting doesn't persist after the printer has been powered off, i.e., “M563 S6” must be sent at least once after turning the printer on. “M500” doesn't save changes that are made to settings that are related to the UI Controller firmware.

M564 - Download File from Remote Server

M564 http://server/file.gcode

M564 ip_address_of_file_server/file.gcode    ;Download file.gcode from server
M564                  ;Download cat.gcode from

M565 - Print Cache File cache.gc


Or using a web browsers URL bar


M566 - Rename Cache File

M21                    ;Initialize SD card 
M20                    ;List SD card 
M566 new_file_name.gc  ;renames cache.gc to a user given file name
M20                    ;List SD card (to verify file was renamed)
extended_g-code_table.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/07 04:44 by Matthew Upp