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Updating UI Controller Firmware

If you received a Select Mini V1 or V2, black or white and the UI looks like the photo, do NOT update the UI Controller firmware with any currently available firmware version. Some V1's & V2's, white or black do NOT use the same firmware as previous V1 & V2's.

If your Select Mini has UI Controller version 106.2, 156.2, or similar pre-installed, do NOT use V1 UI Controller firmware which is any versions 33 through 42.

I know all that is a bit confusing and may not make sense to anyone other than myself. Basically if you have a Select Mini V2 or V1 that has the UI seen in the pictures below/adjacent, don't update the UI/LCD Controller firmware.

Do you have a black screen after falling victim to updating the firmware after watching a video or maybe you outright ignored the warnings? You can contact me in one of the following online community groups so that we may schedule a time to get your printers display back to the way Monoprice intended it to be.
MP Select Mini Owners Facebook Group - Name: Matthew Upp
MPSelectMiniOwners subreddit - User: tiny_tim_
Monoprice MP Select Mini Google+ Community - Name: Matthew Upp
(This is only a temporary fix. When the V1's have definitely stopped shipping and fully tested firmware for the V2 is released, this process will not need to be done.)

Do not update the firmware before completing a few prints.
Updating the firmware before using the printer introduces another variable to the troubleshooting session you may have to go through.

If you have UI Controller firmware version 34 or higher you do NOT need to update the firmware to enable WiFi.

Link to V1 firmware

Note: If you have trouble updating, please format microSD card or use another microSD card and try again. Try a microSD card that is 4GB or less formatted with FAT. The printer can be picky at which cards it will update from so try a few cards.

UI Controller Firmware (lcd.bin) Update Process

  1. Disconnect USB cable
  2. Copy the lcd.bin file to the micro SD card and put into printer while powered off
  3. Move the x-axis (x-carriage) all the way to the left making sure the endstop stays pressed in.
  4. Slide the y-axis (bed) all the way to the back making sure the endstop stays pressed in.
  5. Press and hold down the control dial/button
  6. While keeping the control dial/button pressed down, power on the printer. Keep the control dial/button pressed down until the fan on the hotend starts spinning (about 3-5 seconds).
    The LCD will stay black or white until the update process is finished which is about one minute or less. The LCD will display will turn on when the update is complete.
  7. Restart Printer
  8. Delete lcd.bin from micro SD card if printer keeps restarting.


Update not starting? Fan doesn't start spinning?

  • If the fan doesn't come on, check to make sure the x and y endstops are pressed in.
  • Verify the USB cable is disconnected from the printer
  • Format microSD card or use another microSD card and try again.
  • Try a microSD card that is 4GB or less formatted with FAT.
  • Try updating the motion controller firmware first. Older firmware version had problem updating the UI controller firmware.

YouTube link: - Updating UI Controller firmware

Behind the Scenes

A simplified version of what is happening at the start of the UI Controller firmware update process.
User needs to be pressing the button to force LCD module into recovery mode.

  1. Bootloader jump to main app
  2. Initialize all IO and read both X & Y endstops
  3. If both endstops are triggered, check microSD is available. Check 3 times, if failed go to standard boot.
  4. If microSD available and lcd.bin file exist. Turn on FAN to indicate updating has started.
  5. Re-initialize IO and upload firmware for LCD module.
firmware/ui_controller.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/30 10:22 by Matthew Upp